Topics: Does God speak to people today?; Does God have a communication problem?; The character of Joseph; The character of Jesus as Savior; Double fulfillment of Scripture.
Matthew 1:2-18 Important Productions in Israel’s History from Abraham to Christ
Matthew 1:1 The Son of David and Son of Abraham
An Introduction to Matthew’s Gospel and the Principle of Context and Flow.
Truth for Today: Escaping Religious and Political Babylon
The modern religious system and Christian nationalism are the rotten fruits of ignoring and modifying Scripture. There’s so much joy outside this religious and political Babylon.
Advice to Bible Students: The Attitude and Tools for Effective Workmen
Which Bible should I use? What helps are the best?
What The Ministry Looks Like Today
Is ministry a profession? Is ministry a cult of personality? Can you minister if you don’t like people or being with them? What are the qualifications for ministry?