Hi! I’m Dan Sheridan, your host. Welcome to my page.
I love the Bible and history, and I dedicate this page to the study of both. I love these because I love people.
I am an independent student/teacher; my work isn’t affiliated with any religious institution, church denomination, or political party. I present the results of my studies with charity for all and malice towards none.
For many years I have traveled the country teaching Biblical and Historical classes at public schools, home-school gatherings, colleges, churches, conferences, and other public meetings. I have also hosted a radio show which aired on several stations throughout the country.
My greatest passion is the Bible. Too many Christians only read their Bibles piecemeal on random days. My goal is to encourage them to daily read God’s Word, for it is there they will discover the wonders of our Savior-God.
God’s Word is a Rock that will stand any amount of scrutiny. It’s a lamp unto our feet, and close examination will never extinguish its flame. The Bible welcomes the most detailed investigation, calling on people to think upon it, plunging themselves into its study. The Bible may be in-depth, but I prefer to drown in it rather than be battered to death by the waves of ignorance, error, and superstition. The Bible calls those who meditate upon it day and night blessed, which means happy. I am one of those happy people. I invite you to experience the same joy with me.
Sheridan Voice is dedicated to teaching the Bible and history in a positive way. There will be no name-calling or character attacks.
I married Becky in 1990, and we have four kids, three adopted kids, and we became grandparents in 2017! Our home is our ministry. The Apostle Paul says, “Be…distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality…As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all…[and provide] liberal distribution unto…all men…”
In that spirit, my wife and I have opened our home to over 20 displaced or abused children and parents; three of these we raised as our own. We cloth, feed, love, and educate those we can help. The Sheridan household is never dull!
If you are able, consider supporting this work. You can do so here.
Please give us your feedback.
Dan Sheridan
e-mail: danielwsheridan@gmail.com
Twitter: @DanielWSheridan
Phone: 224-216-8349